BENDIS PREMIUM is the very best, top range honey when it comes to the types of honey available in Romania and abroad as well. BENDIS PREMIUM honey targets the customers that lead a premium lifestyle, to whom quality always comes first before any price issues. The products of this range have two basic features, which perfectly define this brand’s elitist personality.

1. ABSOLUTE PURITY.  BENDIS PREMIUM is a rigorously selected honey that bears the BIO GETICA NATURALIS guarantee which is that of a pure product upon which man has had no interference in any shape or form.

2. DISTINCTION. By means of its level of ultimate, full-fledged purity, BENDIS PREMIUM  honey is an extremely rare type of honey and we consider it a privilege to be able to offer you this type of honey. Thus the BIO GETICA NATURALIS team does not aim to achieve mass commercial success, as it has a selective approach, targeting segments of customers well informed and with an acquired taste. These are the customers that we hope can become loyal to our brand in time.

Bendis Premium Coriander Honey

Cu un gust foarte placut si un parfum floral extrem de puternic, mierea de coriandru este recunoscuta pentru calitatile ei nutritive si curative. Acest tip de miere provine din specia de ierburi aromatice Coriandrum sativum ( Coriandru), planta ce era denumita de vechii egipteni “iarba fericirii in cuplu”, datorita proprietatilor afrodisiace.

O buna parte din proprietatile coriandrului le gasim si in mierea de coriandru. Astfel, aceasta miere este recomandata in primul rand in cazul gastritelor hiperacide, al ulcerelor, ea avand proprietati multiple, benefice pentru digestie, boli de ficat si nu numai. Mierea de coriandru Bendis Premium pastreaza calitatile enumerate mai sus, datorita procesului tehnologic modern de ambalare, acest proces neintervenind in nici un fel asupra veleitatilor naturale ale mierii.

Cristalizarea acestui produs este un proces natural!

Miere de Coriandru


The BENDIS PREMIUM honey is a very rare and exclusive type of honey. That is why the products of this range are of LIMITED STOCK/SUPPLY. BENDIS PREMIUM is available only in stores with products of PREMIUM quality. BIO GETICA NATURALIS reserves the right to select and credit the possible commercial establishments that can sell our products to the final consumer.


(+4) 021.457.05.97 / (+4) 0752.169.410
Str. Ana Ipatescu, Nr. 39, Jud. Ilfov, com. Jilava

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